The Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard has resisted past efforts to bring political issues before it. Many of us feel that, though we disagree among ourselves on many current issues, including the war, we should restate the reasons for this resistance. None of these arguments touch on the right of any member of the Faculty, acting individually or as part of a group of colleagues, to take action in support of political objectives.
1. The Faculty claims the right to function as a center of learning without political objectives. While no such center can be wholly objective or neutral, it must strive, however imperfectly, toward that end. Society will not long allow us that freedom if it appears that, as an institution, we have joined the political fray.
2. If debates on political matters, however important, become customary in the Faculty, then polities will enter into the evaluation of candidates for appointment to the Faculty.
3. By joining the Faculty, all members signify their will ingress to be bound by majority decisions with respect to those matters about which the Faculty is authorized and competent to act. But few if any members joined with the understanding that they were to accept the right or competence of any part of the Faculty to speak for them on matters of conscience and politics.
4. Although those who advance a particular political cause may disavow any intention of setting a precedent, the precedent is nonetheless set. Since we will no longer be able to exclude political matters from the docket by appeal to rule and precedent, we will be obliged to discuss each and to act on each on its merits. The proper concerns of the Faculty cannot long survive continued and inevitably impassioned political debate.
We, the undersigned, feel that the arguments against the official and collective involvement of the Faculty-sitting as a Faculty- in political debate remain compelling, even allowing for the extraordinary sense of urgency and concern that many sincerely bring to such issues as the war. 6 OCTOBER 1969
Frederick Abernathy, T. E. Cheatham, Engineering Einar Haugen, Linguistics Charles Lyman. Biology Edwin O. Reischauer,
Engineering and Applied Physics and Applied Physics James Hays. Geological Sciences Arthur Maass. Government University Professor
Lars Ahlfors. Mathematics William Cochran. Statistics Richard Herrnstein. Psychology Wallace MacCaffrey. History Robert Rosenthal. Social Relations
Graham Allison. Government Paul M. Cocks. Government Paul Holland. Statistics G.W. Mackey. Mathematics Israel Scheffler. Philosophy
Henning Anderson, Slavic Dan Cohen. Engineering George Homans. Social Relations Peter McKinney. Engineering Thomas Schelling. Economics
Anthony Arlotto, Linguistics and Applied Physics Melvyn Huff, Mathematics and Applied Physics Daniel Schydlowsky. Economics
Bernard Ballyn, History Philip Darlington. Biology H. Stuart Hughes. History Harvey Mansfield. Government Thomas Standish. Engineering
Herschel Baker. English Frederick Deknatel. Fine Arts Cornelius Hurlbut, Joseph Manson, Slavic and Applied Physics
Robert Bales, Social Relations Martha Derthick, Government Geological Sciences Janet Martin, Classics Stephen Schuker, History
Edward Banfield, Government Peter Doeringer. Economics Norman Ingham, Slavic John Mather, Mathematics Vsevolod Setchkarev, Slavic
Francis Bator, Economics Robert Dorfman. Economics R. Victor Jones. Engineering Ernst Mayr, Biology Martin Shefter, Government
Sam Beer. Government James Duesenberry. Economics Jerome Kagan. Social Relations A.J. Meyer. Economics B.F. Skinner, Psychology
Abram Bergson. Economics Otto Eckstein, Economics John Kelleher. Celtic John Montgomery. Government Arthur Smithies. Economics
Marland Billings, Rupert Emerson, Government George Kistiakowsky, Chemistry Richard Neustadt. Government Shlomo Sternberg, Mathematics
Geological Sciences Gwyn Evans. English Ernst Kitzinger, Anthony Oettinger. S.S. Stevens. Psychophysics
Francis Birch, Geological Sciences Martin Feldstein, Economics University Professor Applied Mathematics Werner Stumm, Engineering
Garrett Birkhoff, Mathematics John Finley, Classics David Kresge, Economics Donald Olivier, Social Relations and Applied Physics
Herbert Bloch, Classics Donald Fleming. History Richard Kronauer, Engineering Gustav Papanek, Economics James B. Thompson Jr.,
Morton Bloomfield. English Daniel Fox, History and Applied Physics Alwin Pappenheimer. Biology Geological Sciences
William Bossert, Engineering Richard Freeman, Economics Bernard Kummel, John H. Parry, History Samuel Thorne, History and Law
Barry Bosworth. Economics Frank Freidel, History Geological Sciences, Bryan Patterson, MCZ Adam Ulam, Government
William Bouwsma, History Carl Friedrich, Government James Kurth, Government E.L. Pattullo, Social Relations Robert Underhill, Linguistics
Glen Bowersock, Classics Clifford Frondel, Simon Kuznets. Economics Raymond Paynter. Biology Ezra Vogel. Social Relations
Robert Bowie. Government Geological Sciences Angeliki Laiou. History Dwight Perkins, Economics Eric Wanner, Psychology
Bruce Bowling, Celtic Alexander Gerschenkron, David Landes. History Ulrich Petersen, Donald Warwick, Social Relations
Richard Brauer, Mathematics Economics Harvey Leibenstein, Economics Geological Sciences Calvert Watkins, Linguistics
Winslow Briggs, Biology Malcolm Gillis, Economics Herbert Levi, MCZ Thomas Pettigrew, Social Relations Paul Weaver. Government
Harvey Brooks, Engineering and Andrew Gleason, Mathematics John Lintner, Economics Don K Price Jr., Government Wiktor Weintraub, Slavic
Applied Physics Jay Goldman, Statistics Seymour Martin Lipset. H. Douglas Price, Government F.H. Westheimer, Chemistry
Roger Brown, Social Relations Nelson Goodman, Philosophy Government and Social Relations Omeljan Pritsak, Slavic B.J. Whiting, English
Charles Burnham, G.P. Goold, Classics Max Loehr, Fine Arts George Quester. Government Edward Wilcox. General Education
Geological Sciences Zvi Griliches, Economics L.H. Loomis, Mathematics Willard Van Quine, Philosophy Ernest Williams, MCZ
Frank Carpenter. Biology Gottfried Haberler. Economics Albert Lord, Slavic John Raper, Biology James Q. Wilson, Government
Bruce Chalmers, Engineering John Haller, Geological Sciences Horace Lunt, Slavic David Riesman, Social Relations Robert Wolff, History
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