
Whirling Bill Shakespeare Chants Spectral High Praise Of Conant's Clan With Tourney at Hanover in Mind

Even the Bulldog Which Barks At Yale May Be Muzzled By The Crimson Gale

Serve to make Indians ill;

Like a silvery fish's fin

Make our center, C. R. Glynn;

Give the strength of Harvard's image

To our bruisers as they scrimmage.


Make the soup thick and hot

As we journey to Hanover spot

All thereto a scalp of Green

To the ingredients of our tureen.

All: Double Dartmouth trouble;

Fire burn and Crimson bubble.

(Enter Hecate Harlow.)

Harlow: "O, well done. I commend your brew,

Now we'll tramp le Dartmouth in the dew.

And now about the Crimson cheer

We'll get a bowl bid come New Year

I smell the nectar of a Rose so sweet

If we go all season without defeat."

Lay on, McLaughry;

Let's have no fuss with Tuss.
