
Whirling Bill Shakespeare Chants Spectral High Praise Of Conant's Clan With Tourney at Hanover in Mind

Even the Bulldog Which Barks At Yale May Be Muzzled By The Crimson Gale

Margarita: Fullback like a fenny snake

With the Crimson boil and bake;

Eye of Cleo, and toe of Bucky

Speed of Gannon, and skill of Phil

Moravec's knees, and Petrillo's sting,


Dewey's leg, and Walsh's wing,

For a charm of powerful trouble,

Let the Crimson boil and bubble.

All: Double Dartmouth trouble;

Fire burn and Crimson bubble.

Jacunski: Scale of Fisher, tooth of Flynn;

Witches mammy, pa and cousin

Power of the salt sea's wave

From defeat the Crimson stave

Runs of Cleo and Phil
