
Whirling Bill Shakespeare Chants Spectral High Praise Of Conant's Clan With Tourney at Hanover in Mind

Even the Bulldog Which Barks At Yale May Be Muzzled By The Crimson Gale

To grind great Dartmouth in the mire."

Exit Hamlet Harlow to sleep! Perchance to dream of an undefeated team--ay, there's the rub. But come the ides of November, and 'ere long even the Bulldog which barks at Yale, Sirrah, may be muzzled by the Crimson gale.

Enter Caesar Harlow after season undefeated, muttering miserably

Of thrice being presented a kingly crown

Which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition?


For even should Fair Harvard all games claim

There'll still be no Rose Bowl fame;

Neither Sugar, Orange nor Cotton;

Save the Blues Bowl, all else forgotten;

'Tis an Ivy rule firm and fast

That football seasons only last

Until their courses have been run. Nor can it be undone.

But let us hope for Dartmouth's Indians

Harvard men will increase

As they did for Falstaff so obese.
