

Yale Daily News, Jan. 28, 1927.

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"Filling a long-felt need in the life of the University, the News so expanded that other colleges were quick to follow suit. The Harvard Crimson appeared in 1879, and a year later, the first issue of the Cornell Daily Sun was published,"--Yale Daily News, Jan. 28, 1927.

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"We earnestly request contributions from all members of the University." Harvard Magenta, Jan. 24, 1878.

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"We change our name that there may be no real change in our relations to the College, and, with a hope that this color may become a rallying word of victory before the summer is over, we present to our readers the first number of the Crimson."--Harvard Crimson, May 7, 1875.

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"The answer to the question, 'How much money can a university use profitably?' is the same as the question, 'How much whisky can a Scotchman drink?' Any given quantity."--President Lowell.

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"Lita's mother often suggested to me that I marry Lita."--Charles Spencer Chaplin

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"I don't get a kick out of being married to you."--Lita Grey Chaplin to Charles Spencer Chaplin.

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"We'll ruin you if you don't settle." Mrs. Grey to Charles Spencer Chaplin.

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