
Rare Poem of 1718 by Unknown Author Describes Revels of Old-Time Seniors at Commencement

Authorities Fail to Restrain Visitors--Pie, Plum-Cake, Punch Denied Students

Some spend their time at Pins (that tiresome Play)

Others at Cards (more silent) pass the Day.

In Rings some wrestle till they're mad outright,

And then with their Antagonists they fight.

For Fighting is the effect of Wrestling


Men draw Conclusions from the Premises.

All kinds of horrid Noises fill the Street,

While distant Woods their echoes back repeat.

On Horses some to ride full tilt along

Are seen; while on each side a numerous Throng

Do gave la silent shades some pass away

Pleasures end the Day;

But Heads and Points at Night are forc'd to lay.

Vast numbers on the Pagan Party gaze

(This line illegible)
