
Rare Poem of 1718 by Unknown Author Describes Revels of Old-Time Seniors at Commencement

Authorities Fail to Restrain Visitors--Pie, Plum-Cake, Punch Denied Students

Can scarce arrive before the Day is done;

Or if the Clouds propitious Showers dispense,

(As oft they do when our learn'd Youths commence)

See! how the dripping Throngs trip o'er the Plains,

The Nut-brown Country Nymphs and rural Swains


From diff'rent roads the diff'rent Squadrons join,

To form the gen'ral Congress all combine.

Tag, Rag, and Bob-tall, in their best Array,

Appear there on this celebrated Day.

Thus to near Night they flock; and in a Word,

The Town's a cage filled with each kind of Bird.

But who is fully able to display

The various kinds of things that on this day

Transacted are? To Taverns some repair,

And who can tell what pranks are acted there?
