
Rare Poem of 1718 by Unknown Author Describes Revels of Old-Time Seniors at Commencement

Authorities Fail to Restrain Visitors--Pie, Plum-Cake, Punch Denied Students

No Doubt for noble Ends this Day's observ'd

By some who have to Learning just Regard,

Whose souls (bright as the Light) would grieve to see

These Regions buried in Obscurity.

The Description


But-let's reflect upon the Things that be

Transacted on this Day; but where shall we

Begin? for early, long before the Sun's

Bright beams illuminate the Horizon

Vast numbers from far distant Places are

Seen to 'ards the Place of Concourse to repair.

(As if by some magnetic Virtue they, Are drawn, they all direct their Course one way.)

All sizes and each sex the Ways do throng,

Both Black and White ride jig-by-jole along!

Others on foot (half-melted by the Sun)
