
Crimson Calendar

Open to University. **Open to Public.

Last day for receiving applications for Fellowships and Scholarships, for 1914-15, in Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Last day for receiving applications to be considered in the first assignment of Scholarships, for 1914-15, in the Graduate School of Applied Science.

Last day for receiving applications for James A. Rumrill and Charles Elliott Perkins Scholarships to be held in one of the graduate departments of the University in 1914-15.

4.30.--**Lowell Lecture. Professor W. R. Spalding on "Modern Operatic and Programmistic Tendencies."

8.00.--**Interscholastic gymnastic meet. Hemenway Gymnasium.


Sunday, March 15.

Massachusetts Society Peace Essays due.

Senior Album book-plate competition closes.

Mohonk Peace Essays and Baldwin Prize Essays due.

4.30.--Mr. Francis Rogers sings at the Harvard Club of Boston.

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