
Crimson Calendar

Open to University. **Open to Public.

Wednesday, March 11.

4.30.--**Lowell Lecture. "Modern Symphonists and National Schools," by Professor W. R. Spalding.

4.45.--*Chemical Colloquium. "Changes in Volume during Solution of Salts in Water." Professor Baxter. T. Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., Memorial Laboratory.

7.00.--Meeting of St. Paul's Society in Phillips Brooks House. Rev. Herman Page, D.D., on "The Appeal of the Ministry to College Men."

Thursday, March 12.


4.30.--**Lecture. "Some Contemporary French Dramatists. V. Hervieu." Dr. Samuel M. Waxman. Emerson F.

6.00.--Freshman rifle team vs. New York Military Academy.

7.15.--1917 Debating Society in Trophy Room of Union.

8.30.--Mr. Edward Ballantine, pianist, at Boston Harvard Club.

Friday, March 13.

4.45.--*Harvard Zoological Club. Dr. B. M. Patten and Mr. W. J. Crozier on "Light Reactions, the Mechanism of Stimulation and Orientation." Zoological Laboratory 46.

7.30.--**Harvard Divinity School and Andover Theological Seminary. Preaching Service. Mr. C. E. Silcox in Divinity Chapel.

7.30.--*Harvard Philosophical Club. Mr. George Boas on "The Fine Arts and Expression," and Mr. A. P. Brogan on "The Justification of Criticism." Emerson C.

8.00.--**Lowell Lecture. "Modern Operatic and Programmistic Tendencies."

Saturday, March 14.

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