
Crimson Calendar

Open to University. **Open to Public.

All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."

Monday, March 9.

10.00.--Meeting of President and Fellows at 50 State street, Boston.

5.00.--*Physical Colloquium. "ThermoElectric Phenomena in Metals." Professor Hall. Jefferson Physical Laboratory 25.

7.00.--Dramatic Club trials in Trophy Room of Union.


7.00.--Freshman Bible class meets in Phillips Brooks House. Topic: "Sincerity and Loyalty."

7.30.--Freshman Smoker in Union.

8.00.--*President Eliot on "Some Roads towards Peace." Emerson D.

8.00.--Modern Language Conference. Professor H. E. Woodbridge on "The Dorothy Osborne Letters." Common Room, Conant Hall.

Tuesday, March 10.

1914 Class Day ticket designs due.

3.30.--*Lecture, "Spenser." IV. Dr. Percy W. Long. Lawrence 12.

4.30.--*Geological Conference. "The Weather Element in the New England Climate." Professor Ward. "Dikes of the Spanish Peaks District, Colorado." Mr. E. W. Shuler. Mineralogical Lecture Room University Museum.

7.45.--Senior Smoker. Holworthy to Hollis-Matthews.

8.15.--*Boston Society of Medical Sciences. Surgical Amphitheatre, Boston City Hospital.

Wednesday, March 11.

4.30.--**Lowell Lecture. "Modern Symphonists and National Schools," by Professor W. R. Spalding.

4.45.--*Chemical Colloquium. "Changes in Volume during Solution of Salts in Water." Professor Baxter. T. Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., Memorial Laboratory.

7.00.--Meeting of St. Paul's Society in Phillips Brooks House. Rev. Herman Page, D.D., on "The Appeal of the Ministry to College Men."

Thursday, March 12.

4.30.--**Lecture. "Some Contemporary French Dramatists. V. Hervieu." Dr. Samuel M. Waxman. Emerson F.

6.00.--Freshman rifle team vs. New York Military Academy.

7.15.--1917 Debating Society in Trophy Room of Union.

8.30.--Mr. Edward Ballantine, pianist, at Boston Harvard Club.

Friday, March 13.

4.45.--*Harvard Zoological Club. Dr. B. M. Patten and Mr. W. J. Crozier on "Light Reactions, the Mechanism of Stimulation and Orientation." Zoological Laboratory 46.

7.30.--**Harvard Divinity School and Andover Theological Seminary. Preaching Service. Mr. C. E. Silcox in Divinity Chapel.

7.30.--*Harvard Philosophical Club. Mr. George Boas on "The Fine Arts and Expression," and Mr. A. P. Brogan on "The Justification of Criticism." Emerson C.

8.00.--**Lowell Lecture. "Modern Operatic and Programmistic Tendencies."

Saturday, March 14.

Last day for receiving applications for Fellowships and Scholarships, for 1914-15, in Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Last day for receiving applications to be considered in the first assignment of Scholarships, for 1914-15, in the Graduate School of Applied Science.

Last day for receiving applications for James A. Rumrill and Charles Elliott Perkins Scholarships to be held in one of the graduate departments of the University in 1914-15.

4.30.--**Lowell Lecture. Professor W. R. Spalding on "Modern Operatic and Programmistic Tendencies."

8.00.--**Interscholastic gymnastic meet. Hemenway Gymnasium.

Sunday, March 15.

Massachusetts Society Peace Essays due.

Senior Album book-plate competition closes.

Mohonk Peace Essays and Baldwin Prize Essays due.

4.30.--Mr. Francis Rogers sings at the Harvard Club of Boston.

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