

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

7.00-8.00.--Freshman Mandolin Club meeting in Trophy Room of Union.

8.00.--**Dudleian Lecture on "The Divine Revelation and the Christian Religion" by Professor Daniel Evans, in Emerson J.

Friday, May 3.

1.00.--Senior class picture will be taken behind Memorial Hall.

1.15.--Freshman class picture will be taken behind Memorial Hall.


2.00. -- Bussey Seminar, Lecture on "Mendelism and Selection," by Professor W. E. Castle '93, at Bussey Institution.

4.30.--**Lecture on "L'histoire du palais de Versailles," I, (illustrated), by Professor E. J. A. Duquesne, in Lecture Room, Robinson Hall.

4.30.--*Second lecture on "The Early Development of Hegel's Philosophy," by Dr. J. Loewenberg '08, in Emerson F. Subject -- "The Kantian--Enlightenment Phase in Hegel's Early Unpublished Writings."

4.30.--**Third Southworth lecture on "The Church and the Social Awakening," by Mr. Robert Archey Woods, in Room A, Andover Seminary Building. Subject--"Fellowship: Its Expansion and Consecration."

4.45.--*Graduate Chemical Club. "A Case of Strychnine Poisoning," by Mr. P. W. Meserve; "A Dynamic Method for Measuring Vapor Pressures," by Mr. Farrington Daniels, in Boylston 9.

6.30.--First annual dinner of Phillips Club in Assembly Room of Union.

8.30--Smoker of Second Year Law class in Dining Room of Union.

Saturday, May 4.

11.00.--**Lecture on "The Old and the New World in the Fact of International Problems," by Christian L. Lange, Litt.D., Secretary-General of Inter-parliamentary Union, in Emerson A.

2.45.--**Freshman track meet at Exeter, N. H.

3.00.--**Baseball game with Amherst on Soldiers Field.

3.00.--Consolation track games in Stadium.

3.30.--Tennis with Amherst at Amherst.

3.45.--Lacrosse game with Bronx Lacrosse Club on Soldiers Field.

8.00.--Meeting of Faculty of Medicine at Medical School, Boston.
