

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

8.00.--Northfield Conference Committee meeting in Guest Room, Memorial Hall.

4.00.--**Lecture on "Wiring," 1., by Mr. E. F. Lawrence, of the firm of Stone and Webster, in Pierce 202.

4.00.--**Baseball game with Vermont on Soldiers Field.

4.30.--*First lecture on "The Early Development of Hegel's Philosophy,' by Dr. J. Loewenberg '08, in Emerson F. Subject--"The Problem of the Genesis of Hegel's Philosophy."

4.30.--Geological Conference. A Memorial Note on the Life and Scientific Work of the Late Professor A. Lawrence Rotch h.'91, by Professor R. DeC. Ward '89; "Climatic Effects of Fog on the Pacific Coast" (Illustrated); by Mr. E. G. Linsley; "Recently Acquired Meteorites and Meteorite Photographs," by Professor J. E. Wolff '79, in Mineralogical Lecture Room, University Museum.


7.00-8.00. -- Freshman Mandolin Club meeting in Trophy Room of Union.

9.00.--Speakers' Club pop-night with informal discussion, in Trophy Room of Union.

Wednesday, May 1.

Last day for receiving applications for Bullard Fellowships.

Last day for receiving applications for Medical School Scholarships for 1912-13 (except Cheever and Hayden Scholarships).

Last day for receiving applications of candidates for degree of M.D. or degree of D.M.D. in 1912.

Last day for giving notice of intention to compete for Sales, Jeremy Belknap and Old Testament Prizes.

Last day for receiving compositions for the George Arthur Knight Prize in Music.

Last day for receiving essays for the Susan Anthony Potter Prizes and the Harvard Menorah Society Prize.

Last day for receiving dissertations for the Dante, Sargent, Toppan, Sumner and Bennett Prizes.
