Last day for receiving theses of candidates for degree of Ph.D. in 1912 (except in Divisions of Ancient Languages, Modern Languages, History, Government and Economics).
Last day for Undergraduates and for Graduate Students to hand in their Commencement Parts.
First day for Seniors to wear caps and gowns.
11.00.--Special meeting of Board of Overseers at 50 State street Boston.
4.00.--**Lecture on "Wiring." II, by Mr. E. F. Lawrence, of the firm of stone & Webster, in Pierce 202.
4.00.--**Freshman baseball game with Waltham High on Soldiers Field.
4.00.--**Interclass track games in Stadium.
4.30.--**Second Southworth lecture on "The Church and the Social Awakening," by Mr. Robert Archey Woods A.M., in Room A, Andover Seminary Building. Subject -- "Vocation: Democracy in the Main Action of Life."
6.30.--Stone School Club meeting in Trophy Room of Union.
7.00.--*St. Paul's Society weekly meeting. Address on "The Positions of the Various Christian Bodies," by Rev. George Hodges D.D., in Noble Room, Brooks House.
8.00. -- **Harvard Engineering Society. Lecture (illustrated) on "Methods and Results of Sanitation on the Isthmus of Panama," by Mr. James T. B. Bowels of the Isthmian Canal Commission, in Pierce 110.
Thursday, May 2.
4.00.--**Baseball game with Bowdoin on Soldiers Field.
4.45.--*Harvard Zoological Club. Lecture on "The Reactions of Arthropods to Monochromatic Light," by Mr. A. O. Gross, in Zoological Lecture Room, University Museum, fourth floor Room 4.
5.45.--Social Service Committee dinner in Phi Beta Kappa Room, Memorial Hall.
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