
Final Class Constitution


Section 4.-The Treasurer shall be a regular member of the Class Committee. The three Marshals and the Secretary shall be ex officiis members of the Class Committee.

Section 5.-Senior Class Officers shall hold office for life.


Nomination of Officers.

Section 1.-Before December 1 of the Senior year, the President of the Class shall appoint a Nominating Committee of five members, no one of whom shall be a member of a final club or shall be generally considered a candidate for a Class office other than a committee.


Section 2.-The Nominating Committee shall have general charge of the Class elections. Before the Friday preceding the second Wednesday in December, it shall nominate at least two candidates for each Class office.

Section 3.-Additional nominations for Class offices may be made by petition of twenty-five members of the Class to the Nominating Committee such petitions, with the exception of those for Secretary and Committeemen must be received before Monday preceding the second Wednesday in December.

Section 4.-The election of Senior Class Officers with the exception of Secretary and Class Committees shall be held on the second Wednesday of December.

Section 5.-Every elector shall vote for three candidates for Marshals, indicating his preference for First Marshal. Of the three elected, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes for First Marshal shall be declared First Marshal; of the other two, the one whose total vote is higher shall be seen ond Marshal, and the other one Third Marshal.

Section 6.-Within twenty-four hours after the election of Marshals and other Class officers, the Nominating Committee shall make nominations for Secretary and the Class Committees. Additional nominations may be made by petition of twenty-five members of the Class to the Nominating Committee; such petitions must be received before the Saturday following the second Wednesday in December.

Section 7.-The election of the Class Secretary and the Class Committees shall be held on the Tuesday after the second Wednesday in December.

Section 8.-Every elector shall vote for two candidates for the Class Committee, three for the Photograph Committee, and seven for the Class Day Committee. The two candidates receiving the highest number of votes for the Class Committee, the three candidates receiving the highest number of votes for the Photograph Committee, and the seven candidates receiving the highest number of votes for the Class Day Committee shall be declared elected. Each Committee shall elect its own Chairman.

Section 9.-If for any reason any office or position becomes vacant, the vacancy shall be filled by that candidate who received the next highest number of votes for that office or position.

Section 10.-Every ballot not containing the required number of names for Marshals or the respective Committees shall be declared invalid for the Marshals or those Committees.

Section 11.-The Australian ballot shall be used in all Class elections.

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