
News Facts of the Day

Subway Opens Tomorrow Morning

The Cambridge subway will open tomorrow morning at 5.24 o'clock, when the first regular passenger train will leave Harvard square. The cost of the completed subway has been estimated at $10,450,000.

Communion in Chapel on Good Friday

As in former years there will be a special service in Appleton Chapel on Good Friday, which this year falls on April 5. In connection with this service the Board of Preachers, with the consent of President Lowell and at the request of students, has arranged to celebrate the Communion. The service of former years will be somewhat shortened so that together with the Lord's Supper it will not last more than an hour. It will begin at 11 o'clock and will be conducted by Professor E. C. Moore.

New Jersey Club Reawakens Tonight


The New Jersey Club will re-establish itself at a meeting in Lower Massachusetts this evening at 7 o'clock. At that time officers will be elected and a constitution will be drawn up. The purpose of the club is to bring about more intimate relations between New Jersey men in the University and to foster Harvard spirit throughout their state. The present plans provide for getting into immediate relations with the graduate clubs and co-operating with them in a more enthusiastic endeavor to interest New Jersey men in Harvard.
