
Crimson Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

9.00.--Junior smoker in the Dining Room of the Union.

Friday, December 20.

4.00-6.00.--University Tea in Parlor of Phillips Brooks House. Special reception to foreign students.

4.00.--*Handicap hurdle competition in the Cage, Soldiers Field.

4.30.--**Lecture (in German) on "Leading Ideals of the Present Time. XIII. Individualism and Socialism," by Professor Eucken, in Emerson D.


4.30.--*Classical Conference. "Hophra and Cyrene," by Mr. O. Bates '05, and "A National Legend of Greece," by Mr. A. E. Phoutrides 2G., in Harvard 1.

7.30.--*Philosophical Club. "A Three-fold Doctrine of Education," by Mr. E. J. Newell 2G., and "Vocational Education," by Mr. S. M. Graves 2G., in Emerson C.

7.30-8.30.--Music in Living Room of the Union.

8.00.--Meeting of Romance Seminary in Upper Warren House.

8.00.--Meeting of the Masonic Club in the Trophy Room of the Union.

8.00.--**The Cercle Francais' production of "La Double Belle-Mere," in Copley Hall, Boston.

Saturday, December 21.

8.00.--**The Cercle Francais's production of "La Double Belle-Mere," in Copley Hall, Boston.
