All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."
Monday, December 16.
4.00.--*Handicap hurdle competition in the Cage, Soldiers Field.
4.30.--*Handicap shot-put competition in the Cage, Soldiers Field.
4.30.--*Lecture by Dr. H. T. Costello on "The Logic of Science. III. Scientific Judgments," in Emerson F.
4.30.--Seminary of Economics. "The Chinese Clerk, Salesman, Mechanic, and Coolie," by President Eliot, in Upper Dane.
5.00.--*Physical Colloquium. "Line Structure and Shift with an Echelon Spectroscope," by Professor Norton Kent and "Vacuum Tube Spectra in the Magnetic Field," by Professor Norton Kent and Mr. R. M. Frye 1G., in Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 25.
8.00.--Modern Language Conference. "The Relation of Art to Literature in the Italian Renaissance," by Professor C. R. Post '04, in the Common Room, Conant Hall.
8.00.--**Christmas-reading of Dickens's "Christmas Carol," by Professor I. L. Winter '86, in Sanders Theatre.
8.00.--*Meeting of the Menorah Society in Brooks House Parlor.
8.00.--*Lecture by Mr. G. M. Hall, of Edmonton, Alberta, on "The Canadian Northwest" in Peabody Hall, Phillips Brooks House.
8.00.--**Deutscher Verein's production of "Zwei Wappen" in Brattle Hall.
Tuesday, December 17.
4.00.--Meeting of Faculty of Arts and Sciences at University 5.
8.00-7.00.--Election of Senior class Secretary, Class and Class Day Committees, in Phillips Brooks House.
8.00.--*Topiarian Club. "The New Zoo and other Improvements in Franklin Park" (illustrated by the stereoptican), by Mr. A. A. Shurtleff '96, in Robinson Hall.
8.15.--*Meeting of Boston Society of Medical Sciences, in amphitheatre of Building D, Medical School, Longwood Avenue, Boston.
8.15.--*Recital by Mr. Selden Miller, in the Colonial Club.
Wednesday, December 18.
4.30.--*Lecture by Dr. H. T. Costello on "The Logic of Science. IV. Induction and Deduction," in Emerson F.
6.45.--Graduate Schools Society of Phillips Brooks House. "The Social Teachings of Jesus Christ," by Professor F. G. Peabody '69 in Brooks House.
7.00.--*St. Paul's Society. "The History of the Church in Massachusetts," by the Rt. Rev. William Lawrence '71, in Brooks House.
8.15.--**Christmas service by the college choir assisted by a chorus from Radcliffe College, in Appleton Chapel.
9.30.--Reading by Professor Copeland in the Dining Room of the Union.
Thursday, December 19.
4.30-5.30.--Cosmopolitan Club weekly tea in Holyoke House 7.
4.30.--*Handicap high jump competition in the Cage, Soldiers Field.
4.45.--*Zoological Club. "Color Inheritance in Mice," by Mr. C. C. Little 3G.S., in Room 46, 4th floor, University Museum.
5.00.--*Divinity School and Andover Theological Seminary. Christmas service. Sermon by Mr. R. M. Boynton, in Divinity Chapel.
8.15.--**Christmas service by the student choir of Andover Theological Seminary and Christmas address by Dr. A. P. Fitch '00, in Andover Chapel.
9.00.--Junior smoker in the Dining Room of the Union.
Friday, December 20.
4.00-6.00.--University Tea in Parlor of Phillips Brooks House. Special reception to foreign students.
4.00.--*Handicap hurdle competition in the Cage, Soldiers Field.
4.30.--**Lecture (in German) on "Leading Ideals of the Present Time. XIII. Individualism and Socialism," by Professor Eucken, in Emerson D.
4.30.--*Classical Conference. "Hophra and Cyrene," by Mr. O. Bates '05, and "A National Legend of Greece," by Mr. A. E. Phoutrides 2G., in Harvard 1.
7.30.--*Philosophical Club. "A Three-fold Doctrine of Education," by Mr. E. J. Newell 2G., and "Vocational Education," by Mr. S. M. Graves 2G., in Emerson C.
7.30-8.30.--Music in Living Room of the Union.
8.00.--Meeting of Romance Seminary in Upper Warren House.
8.00.--Meeting of the Masonic Club in the Trophy Room of the Union.
8.00.--**The Cercle Francais' production of "La Double Belle-Mere," in Copley Hall, Boston.
Saturday, December 21.
8.00.--**The Cercle Francais's production of "La Double Belle-Mere," in Copley Hall, Boston.
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