THE Philosophical Club held a meeting in 47 Grays, last Monday evening. Professor Bowen and A. Bronson Alcott were present, and the latter occupied the evening with one of his conversations.
A CANVASS of the departments at Washington shows that employed therein are sixty-one graduates of Yale, thirty-five of Princeton, thirty of Dartmouth, and twelve of Harvard.
PROFESSOR CHARLES S. BRADLEY has resigned the Bussey Professorship of the Law School, and will be succeeded by Mr. James Bass Ames, who graduated about ten years ago.
CO-EDUCATION does not seem to be a success at Cornell. At the present time there are but 403 students of both sexes in attendance, and of these 350 are young men, against about 700 when the experiment began.
THE uniform of the Lacrosse team will consist of a white and crimson cap, a white boating shirt with long sleeves, and a crimson star on the bosom; white knickerbocker, with a crimson welt, and crimson belt and stockings.
THE members of the Memorial Hall Dining Association consume daily 100 dozen eggs, 120 gallons of soup, 200 pounds of butter, 200 gallons of milk, 150 pounds of fish, 300 pounds of chicken, 400 pounds of mutton, and 1100 pounds of beef.
THE Board of Overseers at their last meeting consented to an amendment of the statutes of the University, providing that there shall be "four grades of the degree of Bachelor of Arts, two grades of the degree of Bachelor of Laws, three grades of the degree of Bachelor of Science and of the degree of Mining Engineer."
THE Secretary of the Senior class has received the following invitation from the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis:-
The pleasure of your company is requested at the Farewell Ball to be given to the graduating classes by the Classes of '80, U. S. Naval Academy, Tuesday, June 10, 1879. Dancing to commence at nine o'clock.
COMPLIMENTS OF THE CLASSES OF '80.SECRETARY SCHURZ was invited to deliver the Commencement oration, but had to refuse on account of the pressure of official business.
ANY one will be admitted to the instruction for women who presents herself at the Harvard University Preliminary Examination for Women, and passes satisfactorily in any eight of the following subjects: 1. English; 2. Physical Geography; 3. Botany or Physics; 4. Mathematics 1 (Arithmetic; Algebra, through equations of the first degree, including Proportions, Fractions, and Common Divisor); 5. Mathematics 2 (Algebra, through Quadratics; Plane Geometry); 6. History; 7. French; 8. German; 9. Latin; 10. Greek. This examination will be held in Cambridge, New York, Philadelphia, and Cincinnati, beginning Wednesday, May 28, 1879. The regular fee for the examination is $15. For this year a special examination will be held in Cambridge, during the last week in September, for those who are unable to be present at the regular time. For further information address Mr. Arthur Gilman, 5 Phillips Place, Cambridge.