ONE of the Yale Nine has broken his leg.
THE examination in Algebra will be held to-morrow.
THE Arion Quintette gave a concert at Reading on Thursday evening.
THE next meet of the Bicycle Club will occur on Saturday at 2.30 P. M.
CAMBRIDGE bridge is to be closed to team travel in order that it may be replanked.
A CLUB of Seniors will give their spread in the new Gymnasium.
THE Initiation Supper of the Phi Beta Kappa was held at Young's Hotel, Thursday evening, April 24.
MR. EDWARD HALE, '79, and Mr. Arthur Hale, '80, have been elected on the editorial staff of the Lampoon.
THE first ten of the Institute from '82 are as follows: Kane, Bartlett, Warren, Bowen, Stone, Pendleton, Dickey, Leavitt, Sedgwick, and Manning.
THE first eight of the O. K. from '80 are as follows: F. H. Allen, Bradley, Hale, Pellew, Pennypacker, Quincy, Roosevelt, Weimer.
THE drill-hour of the H. R. C. has been changed from 6.30 to 6.45 P. M. The corps will leave promptly at 7 for the field, and all members are requested to be present.
COMMENCEMENT Parts have been assigned as follows: Hale, Swazey, Orations; McFarlane, Dissertation; Poor, Schofield, Patten, Disquisitions; Taussig, Essay.
IN the game yesterday the Beacons won by a score of 3 to 1. The game was well played up to the eighth innings, when Harvard began to make numerous errors. Stevens caught for Harvard.
THE Old South Association met yesterday, and elected the following officers: President, Charles W. Eliot, of Harvard College; Secretary, Dr Samuel A. Green; Treasurer, Colonel Henry Lee.
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Rules under which the Class Races will be Rowed.