

REV. A. P. PEABODY addressed the Society of Christian Brethren last Thursday evening.

THE Yale Glee Club will give concerts in the leading Western cities during the Christmas vacation.

THE Harvard and Suffolk Bicycle Clubs will give races Saturday, November 15, at Clyde Park, Brookline.

THE races of the Harvard Bicycle Club, announced for November 7, have been postponed until further notice, owing to the weather.

SINCE the editorial in another column was written, it has been announced that the price of rooms in Thayer has been reduced.


THE Herald, by copying a letter from a Virginia paper, has added another to its long list of misrepresentations of Harvard life.

PROFESSOR BOWEN has an article on Malthusianism, Darwinism, and Pessimism in the North American Review for November.

CORRESPONDENTS are reminded that their names must be sent with their contributions if they wish to secure the insertion of the latter.

PROFESSOR JOHN FISKE is to repeat his course of lectures on "America's Place in History," at the Hawthorne Rooms.

PROFESSOR SARGENT is to conduct an investigation into the forest area and forest wealth of the United States for the tenth census.

THE Montreal papers justly speak of Bacon as "the sagacious captain of the Harvard team," and of Winsor as "the Prince of drop-kicks."

SUBJECTS for next theme in Eng. 5 are: "Style of Junius compared with that of Swift in the Examiner," and "Poetry as distinguished from Prose."

THIRTY-ONE gentlemen have signified their willingness to join a Chess Club. The club will not be formed unless thirty-five members can be obtained.

THE Captain of the University Crew desires all heavy men to try for the second eight. Whether they have had experience in rowing or not, they may be sure of careful coaching and attention.

THE Faculty meetings take place on the first and third Monday evenings in each month. Petitions that are granted will be posted on the following morning.
