"AND now comes the Harvard Register."
PROFESSOR AGASSIZ returned from Europe last week.
THE whole University comprises fifteen departments.
THE average age of students in the Annex is above twenty.
MR. PACH will open his Cambridge studio next Monday.
THE Football match with Yale occurs to-morrow at New Haven.
MR. J. B. LUDLOW, '81, has been elected editor of the Crimson.
CORNELL has formed a Students' Guild, similar to the German institutions.
A COMMENCEMENT part may be substituted for any two of the Senior Forensics.
PROFESSOR SIMON NEWCOMB'S three lectures will be delivered before December 21.
THE Freshman Football Team play the Phillips Academy at Andover to-morrow.
A CLASS of eight young ladies at the Boston Latin School are preparing for the Annex.
ONE hundred and twenty Freshmen went to see the Black Crook last Monday evening.
THE Freshmen have subscribed only $313 to the University Crew, up to the present time.
PROFESSOR FISKE lectured before the students of Bowdoin yesterday on American History.
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Undergraduate Literary Exercises in Sanders Theatre.