- Six of the Bates College Sophomores having been suspended for bad conduct, the class have withdrawn from college.
- The new Williams Catalogue shows a total of 191 students, - 41 Seniors, 50 Juniors, 44 Sophomores, and 56 Freshmen.
- Cornell is to have a new course in science which will require less mathematics and more history and philosophy than the present course includes.
- The annual convention of the Intercollegiate Literary Association will be held at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, January 4, 1877. Each college in the Association is entitled to three delegates; and any college may become a member of the Association by accepting its constitution.
- The Rowing Association of American Colleges is now comprised of Princeton, Cornell, and Columbia, Its officers are: President, C. S. Boyd, Columbia; Vice-President, C. C. Clarke, Princeton; Secretary, J. N. Ostrom, Cornell; Treasurer, J. T. Good-win, Columbia. July 11 is the date fixed for the next regatta; the place has not been decided upon.