- The Freshmen have organized a Glee Club of twenty-two members.
- The Glee Club numbers sixteen members, and is said to sing very well.
- The college clock on the new Chapel strikes the hours, half-hours, and quarter-hours.
- The rule forbidding any student to take part in public theatricals during term-time has been revived.
- Nineteen members of the class of '76 are continuing their studies in New Haven. Five are in the Law School, four in the Medical School, eight in the post-graduate department, and two are studying theology.
Princeton.- The prizes for rank in Sophomore year aggregate $ 490.
- Fifty volumes per day represents the extent to which the library is used.
- The Scientific course will hereafter extend over four years; German is one of the requirements, and there are elective studies in the Senior and Junior years.
- The new Catalogue shows an attendance of 8 Fellows, 106 Seniors, 87 Juniors, 127 Sophomores, 97 Freshmen, 47 Scientific scholars, - total 472.
- The Experimental Science Fellowship will not be given this year, owing to the fact that the investment from which the money is obtained pays no dividend at present.
Williams.- The Nine have begun their gymnasium practice.
- A Senior Shaksperian Reading Club has been formed.
-Forty-one dollars worth of prizes were given to the successful contestants in the athletic sports.
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Musical Clubs.