- The Freshmen have organized a Glee Club of twenty-two members.
- The Glee Club numbers sixteen members, and is said to sing very well.
- The college clock on the new Chapel strikes the hours, half-hours, and quarter-hours.
- The rule forbidding any student to take part in public theatricals during term-time has been revived.
- Nineteen members of the class of '76 are continuing their studies in New Haven. Five are in the Law School, four in the Medical School, eight in the post-graduate department, and two are studying theology.
Princeton.- The prizes for rank in Sophomore year aggregate $ 490.
- Fifty volumes per day represents the extent to which the library is used.
- The Scientific course will hereafter extend over four years; German is one of the requirements, and there are elective studies in the Senior and Junior years.
- The new Catalogue shows an attendance of 8 Fellows, 106 Seniors, 87 Juniors, 127 Sophomores, 97 Freshmen, 47 Scientific scholars, - total 472.
- The Experimental Science Fellowship will not be given this year, owing to the fact that the investment from which the money is obtained pays no dividend at present.
Williams.- The Nine have begun their gymnasium practice.
- A Senior Shaksperian Reading Club has been formed.
-Forty-one dollars worth of prizes were given to the successful contestants in the athletic sports.
- Professor Tenney intends to lead a college exploring party of fifteen to the Rocky Mountains during the coming summer. The objects of the expedition are to give practical instruction to the students, to make collections for the college, and to advance science.
Columbia.- Efforts are being made to form a Rifle Club.
- Tickets entitling the holder to all the privileges of the boat-house are now sold for five dollars.
- The "excuse system" has been abolished, and students are now allowed to absent themselves from one quarter of the exercises in each department.
Cornell.- The formation of a Student's Relief Committee is agitated.
- Post-graduate courses leading to the higher degrees, among which is Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, have been established.
- The Cadet Corps has begun rifle practice, the government furnishing the ammunition. The ambition of the corps is stimulated by the prospect of a match with Harvard.
Miscellaneous.- Two monthly papers are to be started at Colby University.
- Wabash University (Indiana) has received a donation of $ 118,000.
- The Oxford cap is to be worn by the students of Michigan University.
- The number of matriculations at Cambridge this year was 659, an increase of sixteen over last year.
- The Amherst Gymnasium exhibition takes place on Saturday, and a large number of entries have been made.
- Six of the Bates College Sophomores having been suspended for bad conduct, the class have withdrawn from college.
- The new Williams Catalogue shows a total of 191 students, - 41 Seniors, 50 Juniors, 44 Sophomores, and 56 Freshmen.
- Cornell is to have a new course in science which will require less mathematics and more history and philosophy than the present course includes.
- The annual convention of the Intercollegiate Literary Association will be held at Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, January 4, 1877. Each college in the Association is entitled to three delegates; and any college may become a member of the Association by accepting its constitution.
- The Rowing Association of American Colleges is now comprised of Princeton, Cornell, and Columbia, Its officers are: President, C. S. Boyd, Columbia; Vice-President, C. C. Clarke, Princeton; Secretary, J. N. Ostrom, Cornell; Treasurer, J. T. Good-win, Columbia. July 11 is the date fixed for the next regatta; the place has not been decided upon.
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