

Adriana Martinez

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A Day at the Circus

The Big Apple Circus is back with an all-new show about the town that Boston loves to hate. But even

In Pursuit of Perfection and a Proper Scottish Accent

Perfect Days attempts admirably but never quite succeeds at being as innovative and modern as its plot suggests. The American

Death Be Not Proud

THEATER WIT written by Margaret Edson directed by Derek Anson Jones starring Judigh Light Through Feb. 27 Wilbur Theater As

Five Seniors Awarded Rockefellers

Five seniors were chosen as the recipients of the Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Fellowship last weekend. In existence since 1966,

34 Times and Still a Good Nut to Crack: The Nutcracker review

One of the premier dance companies of the nation, the Boston Ballet nevertheless suffers from a preponderance of style over

Good is Better Than Good

Perhaps modesty induced Scottish playwright C. P. Taylor to choose "good" as the title of a play that undoubtedly merits

Molly Shannon: Finally a Superstar

INTERVIEW The SNL star talks about her first kiss, her nerdy past and working with Jim Carrey. A cross between

SNL to Screen: Superstar is Ghetto

Anyone who has ever worn a Peter Pan collar, written an apology note and then copied it over 100 times,

Pfalling Down

THE DEEP END OF THE OCEAN Directed by Ulu Grosbard Starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Treat Williams Columbia Pictures The Deep End

Boom and Bust: The Mid-life Fling

WHILE I WAS GONE by Sue Miller Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. $24 Joey Becker is very secretive. Considering some of
