

Tony Hill

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Say It Ain't So, Says Joe

P ERHAPS IT IS WRONG to pity a man who made as much money in as short a time as

Angela and SCLC: 'Gutsy and we'll survie.' (Part II)

B ECAUSE THE same doubt, within by the shared horror of white ultraviolence in Birmingham (and later in half-a-hundred Southern

Angela and SCLC: 'We're black and we're proud and we're broke, but gutsy and we'll survive.'

N OT LONG after a predominantly female jury cleared her of coneptracy in the massacre at the Marin County Hall

Mass. Re-Elects Brooke to Senate By 100,000 Votes

By an expected margin of 100,000 votes Senator Edward Brooke won re-election yesterday defeating John Droney Middlesex County District Attorney.

A Troubled Alliance Endures

I N EARLY JULY, shortly before the Democratic Convention, Simon and Schuster published Julian Bond's first books. A Time to

Ain't They Got No Shame?

DEREK CURTIS BOK- By virtue of the authority granted to me by the Corporation and the Board of Overseers, in

Ethnic Catering Service Comes to Harvard

I W HILE you were probably away, the Ethnic Catering Service made a two-day pit stop at Harvard as it

Void In Spades-II

W ITH THE EXCEPTION of '56--when Eisenhower was mistakenly credited for the Supreme Court decision on integration in '54--the bulk

Void in Spades--I

I F RICHARD NIXON can be beaten in 1972, it is essentially because he is still fundamentally vulnerable to the

Craft Strike Looms As Talks Deadlock

Contract negotiations between the University and the Crafts Maintenance Council, which represents 350 University employees, have reached a point of

Turner Warns Students About Afro Review

"People concerned about the Afro-American Studies program at Harvard will have to be diligent in their observation of the way

They're Playing Our Song, Tonto

I "The whites told only one side. Told it to please themselves. Told much that is not true. Only his

Reform Organizations Release Report on Prison Crisis Here

A group of 11 prison reformers including Judge Harry Elam, chairman of Governor Sargent's prison investigation team, demanded an explanation

A Condemned King Held in the Tower

Many thousand gone and the show goes on and on. Nothing can be done for George Jackson and the five

If We Must Die

F ew things in Prison occur in private. It is an environment almost without internal secrets. The pressure that was
