

Susan D. Chira

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Kurt and Bert, Redux

H APPY END is schizophrenic--an anomalous lark. The biting, sardonic music of Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht don't fit the


M ICHAEL HARRINGTON doesn't buy the New Pessimism of the seventies. He doesn't believe the credo of the inevitability of

Discovering Japan

J APANESE politicking is usually a gentleman affair; the stately courtesy of exchange bows and fixed smiles maintains the fiction

Marching Away from Pretoria

B URGER'S DAUGHTER is a call to arms. Forget the news stories, the polemics, the neatly rhymed slogans about apartheid.

Crippling Sensitivity

J OAN DIDION approaches writing like an impressionist painter. She places small dots quietly, precisely, to form distinct images. But

Executive Committee To Run Afro-Am

In a move to bolster the controversial Afro-American Studies Department, Dean Rosovsky has created an executive committee of five prominent

A Last-Ditch Effort for Afro-Am

With that sentence, Dean Rosovsky reflects the frustration of ten years of wrangling, rhetoric, and demonstrations over the substance and

Clever But Cold

T HE LOEB'S production of Lulu is the perfect portrayal of a nightmare. The stage is draped in red. Characters

Crippling Sensitivity

J OAN DIDION approaches writing like an Impressionist painter. She places small dots quietly, to form distinct images. But step

Schmidt, Friedman, Cousteau, 8 Others Receive Honoraries at Commencement

President Bok today conferred honorary degrees on ten men and one woman, including German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and Sir Isaiah

Foundation Will Not Force K-School to Name Library After Industrialist Engelhard

The Engelhard Foundation, after discussions with representatives from the Kennedy School of Government's Committee on Gifts, will not require the

On the Left

For liberal Faculty members, then as now, the bust was the visceral issue, the action that exploded all traces of

The Faculty's Quiet Revolution

In April 1969, many honestly believed the revolution had come to Harvard. They saw the end of Western civilization, symbolized

Unearthing Chekhov's Rhythms

T HE director and actors of the new Loeb production of Chekhov's The Three Sisters go about their work like

Tales From the 'Vietnamese Gulag'

"The idea of getting out is like a dream--they crowd 50 to 100 prisoners in a 12 by 30-foot room
