

Robert J. Schoenberg

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Shanghai Express

As any reader of Sax Roehmer knows, the main trade of Shanghai is skulking about and plotting about international intrigues.

Spice of Life

Of the many possible uses for a motion picture camera, the least frequent is the making of interesting movies. Not

The Seagull

Producing The Seagull has been so disastrous for so many professional groups that we may all feel considerable parochial pride

The Detective

British producers, it seems, know how to exploit a successful character type as well as any American who ever made

The Gunfighter

If you are, even potentially, a red-blooded he-man you will suffer certain physiological and psychological changes after seeing this week's

The Gypsy Baron

It is axiomatic in musical comedy circles that the only people who can out- gemutlich the Alt Wienese are the

Two One Act Plays

The New Theatre Workshop has gone ahead with its fine work of presenting original play. Two one act plays the

The Barefoot Contessa

In The Barefoot Contessa there are the makings of approximately three first-rank films. Unfortunately, the best two already have been

The Inspector Calls

It is a rare thing for a motion picture to do much heavy moralizing, beyond a fervent stand for general

One Eye Closed

Putting a comedy on stage is a serious business. It costs a good deal of money, and unless the script

Hobson's Choice

Hobson's Choice is a Warm Glow picture. With everyone happy, married, and well on the way to becoming rich at

I Too Have Lived in Arcadia

I Too Have Lived in Arcadia is a play of straightforward meaning smothered by form and language that is far


As an example of advanced arrogance there is none to beat Clifton Webb. He sneers with such patent grandeur that,

Dartmouth Concert

Two things this week that can make Harvard Men especially proud that they are. One was the Life magazine spread

High and Dry

High and Dry is an apt description of where this picture leaves its moments of excellent humor. Stranded above a
