

Gary D. Rowe

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Clive Remembered

T HE Yiddish word kochleffl might well have been coined to describe Professor of History and Literature John Clive, who

The Education of Henry Adams, 1988

T WO months before entering Harvard, I received a thick packet which contained lengthy pamphlets detailing Harvard's history, the Core

The Final Resolution

T HE Undergraduate Council seems to have a knack for fence straddling. In its half-dozen years of existence, it has

Who's Selling Out?

O NE LONELY day more than a century from now, some poor historian bemoaning his poor luck in a dusty


W HEN HE first took office in 1971, President Bok noted in a speech to the Faculty of Arts and

Why Not the Best?

I T'S A scandal. Each semester undergraduates who come to Harvard expecting to be taught by some of the finest

Courting Disaster

F EW THINGS during the past seven years of Reagan gave this liberal more joy than watching the president's second

A New Tenure System

T HE LAW School is divided, confused, and just plain unsure of what constitutes good scholarship and qualifies a faculty

Just as the Founders Feared

T WO HUNDRED years ago, when the Constitution was drafted and presented to the people for ratification, a bill of

The Core Problem

A S AN IDEA, Harvard's Core curriculum is a fine thing. It represents progress in the field of education, an

Tyranny Across the River

T HE WEATHER may be the same across the river in Boston, but the political climate sure is different. Boston

No Parity at the Quad

O NE WORD comes to mind when I think of the College's attempts to renovate the Radcliffe Quad: disaster. What

An Immigration Disservice

T HE UNITED STATES' worst bureaucracy, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), is at it again. Devoid of compassion and

PACking the Court

N EVER HAVE THE people wielded as much power as they will this Tuesday in California, but the state's most

Unprecedented Attack

A SSISTANT ATTORNEY General William Bradford Reynolds has decided that the Reagan Revolution has not extended far enough into the
