

Deborah K. Holmes

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A Flighty Trio

W HEN ANDREI SERBAN directed The Cherry Orchard and The Seagull at the New York Shakespeare Festival in the 1970s,

Sound Minds and Sound Bodies

In the weight room at the Indoor Track and Tennis facility on the Business School side of the Charles, funny

Dealing With Truant Youth: Is Mediation The Right Approach?

He is only 15 years old, but he hasn't been in school since 1980. He has been on the street

Spreading the Faith

Long before he ever dreamt of attending Harvard. Eric Carter '84 had his sights set on being a missionary. Raised

True Shepard

L IKE THE PROVERBIAL, little girl who, when she was good was very very good, and when she was had

A Competent Quixote

W ITH ALL THE SUBTLETY of drivers who slow their cars and gape at roadside accidents, critics write about the

A Cloistered View

F ASHION SELDOM admits of any studied explanation. Wavelike, trends rise, crest, fall and rise again seemingly without reason. Even

Running on Empty

W HEN Chariots of Fire appeared last month in the New York Film Festival, it was greeted with hats-off applause

Urban Cowboy

G OOD LUCK with the motivation behind City of Women, Federico Fellini's latest baroque-nightmare-cum-flesh-fantasy. Food for thought and conversation, perhaps,
