

Jonathan D. Rabinovitz

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Too Controversial For Comfort

The Afro-American Studies Executive Committee revealed a major policy shift this past week, when it announced it would not consider

Huggins Visits

"What a nice place you have here," Nathan I. Huggins, newly appointed chairman of the Afro-American Studies Department, said yesterday

'Yes' For an Answer

The Afro-American Studies Department received a shot in the arm this week when Nathan I. Huggins, professor of history at

Isaac May Sue

Ephraim Isaac, a former associate professor in the Afro-American Studies Department, said yesterday he and his lawyers are preparing for

Stephen Marglin:

Once "the jewel" of the Economics Department today Marglin is the black sheep--the sole tenured radical professor. Having reversed his

Influenza Strikes Cambridge Schools

Absences in Cambridge public schools increased 11.5 per cent yesterday as B-type Singapore influenza moved east across the state, Bert

Cambridge Schools Postpone Decision On Compliance With State Prayer Law

Cambridge schools will not implement the new state law on voluntary prayers in school until the school committee meets tomorrow

Right-On-Red Comes to Boston

When it becomes legal to make a right turn on a red light this January 1, the law will not

Would You Rent an Apartment From Harvard University?

Once upon a time there was a small group of tenants and a big landlord. The tenants weren't happy with

Resident Tutors and Proctors May Get Minimum Wage Limit

The Labor Department's plan to have private colleges pay the minimum wage to proctors and resident tutors would be "very
