

Linda S. Drucker

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The Child and Amorality

I N LIFE, either you deal or get dealt," they tell the ten-year-old who has recently escaped from a juvenile

One Land, Two Worlds

T HE NATION that poet Octavio Paz once accused of "falling asleep for a hundred years" has finally awakened. In

The Keeper of the Keys

Since the formation of a professional corporation to manage Harvard's portfolio nearly a decade ago, University Treasurer George Putnam '49

Corporation Reviews South Africa Policy

The Harvard Corporation and its Advisory Committee on Shareholder Responsibility (ACSR) will consider changing Harvard's investment policy to allow deposits

King Submits New MBTA Proposal

To avert a possible mass transit shutdown this weekend, Gov. Edward J. King yesterday submitted a new proposal to bail

MBTA Funding Remains Precarious As King Awaits High Court's Decision

Subways, buses, and commuter trains will operate as usual this week, but the state's embattled transit system remains in limbo,

The Vulnerable Career Woman

T HE BEST SCENES in It's My Turn simmer quietly with tension, brilliantly capturing the awkwardness that pervades ordinary encounters.

Statehouse Repeals Harvard Privilege

Harvard's constitutionally protected freedom to expand without being subject to local regulations was terminated by the State legislature this summer

House Master Seeks to Reduce Rate of Unwanted Pregnancies

James A. Davis, master of Winthrop House, has asked Dean Fox to study the statistics on unwanted pregnancies among undergraduates.

Women in Charge

S OMETHING ABOUT Mary E. Cunningham is even more striking than the cascading blonde hair that entranced media photographers during

Journalism in Africa: Chronicling Turmoil......And Defining the 'Opposition Press'

During the four years he traversed Africa--visiting 48 of 51 countries, Los Angeles Times correspondent David Lamb observed a continent

A Graceless Exit

L IBERALS HAVE always been good at internecine warfare; this fall's New York Senate race is a good example of

Bok Refers Security Measures To Panel for Further Study

President Bok decided Friday that he would not take immediate action to improve campus security in the aftermath of a

Abortion Link Endangers ERA Ratification

Massachusetts feminists are invoking the state's Equal Rights Amendment to strike down a state law denying women Medicaid funding for

Experts Call Iran-Iraq Clash An Iraqi Drive for Dominance

The tempo of fighting between Iran and Iraq picked up sharply yesterday in what some Harvard experts yesterday called an
