

Virginia A. Triant

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Harvard's History department used to be a smoothly-functioning factory, turning out Pulitzer Prizes, top publications and large numbers of concentrators

Bio-Chem. Researchers Develop New Treatment

By creating a three-dimensional picture of a protein interaction in the immune system, researchers in the biochemistry department have taken

Two TFs Make Students' Lives Pleasant

The night before every Chemistry 30 hourly, Richard Goodman '91 paces the halls of Cabot Library. Goodman is not an

How Well Does the Faculty Train TFs?

Joel S. Orlina '96 says it is not a coincidence that his physics teaching fellow's phone number begins with the

New Drug for Asthma Patients Discovered by Med School Team

Within the year, asthmatics who have long suffered from constricted airways might be able to breathe a little easier. According

Professors Appalled By Bosnian Atrocities

Harvard experts on international relations expressed horror this week at the most recent violence in the former Yugoslavia and offered

What's Your Major? Apply First, Please

Andy W. Williams '97 applied to Harvard just about a year ago. Now, in the spring of his first year,

Study Abroad Program Opposed

Members of the Faculty Council last week discussed the University's decision against formally participating in a new federal program which

Colon Cancer Gene Discovered

Scientists and cancer advocates are hopeful that the isolation of the gene which causes an inherited form of colon cancer,

Zeroing in on the Causes of Hypertension

Concluding a more than decade-long search and fueling hopes of improved drugs to treat the disease, a team of researchers

An Oral Treatment for Arthritis?

Discomfort from sore, inflamed joints may someday cease to plague the 2.1 million Americans who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, if

Clinton Presents Plan For Health Care Access

President Clinton presented the initial draft of his long-awaited health care plan to the nation last night, outlining its major

Mayoral Finalists Are Menino, Brett

BRIGHTON--Boston came one step closer to electing its next mayor yesterday as voters selected acting Mayor Thomas Menino and State

Forcing Water Uphill

Can water fight the forces of gravity and flow uphill? The answer, according to a group of Harvard chemists, is

Faculty Members Speak At Boston Conference

BOSTON--More than 1,500 scientists, including several Harvard faculty members, convened at the Hynes Convention Center this weekend to share scientific
