

Kathy Holub

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The Dead Center

I T ISN'T surprising that when the Welles finally gets it together to screen some feminist films, it chooses good,

Moist Lips and Saucer Eyes

M Y GRANDFATHER USED to own a lucrative cosmetics business which he founded during the Depression. His lipstick line, the

The Magic of Two Masters

I NGMAR BERGMAN HAS left the New Wave and its tormented pessimism far behind. His light-hearted, sunny, extraordinarily intelligent film

Brooklyn Bomb Gets Bronx Cheer

A DOG'S ASS WAGGING IN Brooklyn garbage and a bopping Elton John soundtrack open Sidney Lumet's overexcited mongrel of a

Unplanned Parenthood

A lot of people come to Harvard grimly determined to give up all the horsing around they did in high

The Prostitution of Prostitution

T HE OLDEST PROFESION in the wold has finally began so painted, padded and well-packaged by Hollywood that it's been

Nashville Cats

J UDGING FROM a visit to the real Nashville once, and to the fictional Nashville twice, they're pretty much the

Squandering A Fortune

E VERYONE CAN REMEMBER times when they have sat around late at night with a few friends and invented some

Huntington Will Revise Disputed Paper

Samuel P. Huntington, Thomson Professor of Government, has decided to revise a paper he co-authored that called for more authoritarianism

State of Siege

When Beverly Sills made her debut at the Metropolitan Opera last week, it turned, as it had to, into a

Our Only Enemy is Boredom

E MMANUELLE TRIES to make the long climb from pornography to pornographic art and gets tangled up in some embarrassing

Mel Brooks's Graveyard Smash

W ATCHING Young Frankenstein, Mel Brooks's newest movie, is like being tickled to death for two hours. In some places

Murky Midnights

T HE HRO DID everything but sell popcorn last Friday night. Its fourth annual Midnight Concert, a late-night supper of

HRO In A Grand Style

T HE GRAND SCALE on which the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra traditionally operates was even grander than usual last Friday night: its
