

Gregory F. Lawless

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No News Is Agnews

He put his hands on her shoulders. "It has to be a dream, Sirana. International intrigues set in the exotic

The Curious, Idle Cluster by Booths On DNA Research

Cantabrigians of all shapes, sizes and genetic make-ups came to see the pro-con booths on recombinant DNA research Saturday at

New History of an Old People

A FRIEND OF MINE is doing some research in the archive in Ferrara, Italy, aimed at finding out more about

Pound: The Poet and the Fascist

I T DOESN'T TAKE much to begin to understand what Ezra Pound was like. He and Ernest Hemingway were good--if

Guess You Had to Be There

W ELL INTO TOTS IN TINSELTOWN the pariah-to-parvenu actors and actresses--the tots in Hollywood--sit around a barren movie set, pink

The Crowd Pleasers

T WO DAYS AGO the Real Paper released a poll conducted by a University of New Hampshire political science class

Out of the Trenches

E VERY DAY our lives are infected with war in one or another of its many manifestations. If you read

Cautious Jewish Hopefulness

I T IS SAID that when Isaac Bashevis Singer came to Harvard last year to give a reading from his

Blinding the All-Seeing Gods

T HERE'S NOTHING much new about Peter Shaffer's Equus than hasn't already been said long ago when it was first

The Future of Spain

I N THE FALL of 1951, as the Cold War stepped up and the Truman Doctrine thawed U.S. relations with

Lost in the Funhouse

At the turn of the century, when the camera was still a relatively novel instrument, and its products seemed to

Watching the Camera

A N OLD WOMAN looks off to the left of the screen staring at something, there's a flash, she blinks

Britain, Orangeism: Pieces of the Ulster Puzzle

Tommy sat across from me on the train going to Belfast from Dublin. He propped his elbows on the table

Penultimate Rites Celebrated

Both Presidents Bok and Horner spoke on the critical state of the world condition in their Baccalaureate Service speeches yesterday

Riding on the Blacktop Rivers

T HE SUN WAS shining through the Eucalyptus trees of San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, the ominous clouds that usually
