

Eleni Constantine

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Chronicles of a Crossing

The D. Thomas Bergen Collection of German Expressionist Drawings at the Busch-Reisinger Museum thru July 1 T HE ARTIST'S QUEST

Fogg Museum Celebrates 50th With Fundraising Spectacular

Flowers, champagne and music graced the Fogg Saturday night as the museum celebrated its 50th year in its present building

Old Friends, Well Met

T HIS JUNE, the Fogg will celebrate fifty years of being the Fogg--where it is and what it is. Harvard's

Shocking Pink Pines

A FTER THE FACT. Explorers accustomed to certain tracks of thought might follow that thread of phrase down different pathways


After the Fact an exhibition of Still Photographs in Black and White and Color at the Carpenter Center March 17

Gourmet Leftovers

A S AMUSEMENT FARE, An Evening of Bernstein is like a wildly assorted selection of leftovers from a good French

A Golden Collection

O CCIDENTAL ARTISTS--poets, painters and professors--have claimed Originality as a blessing and curse unique to Western creativity. The Western world

Lewis Carroll Observed

A LICE IN WONDERLAND has been appropriated by grown-ups. This collection of critical essays analyzes the book and its author

A Terrible Beauty Stillborn

S EAN O'CASEY'S play, The Plough and the Stars, begins with a lock on a door. In a Dublin tenement,

Faculty '76

The exhibit Faculty '76, like the statute of John Harvard, isn't what it calls itself. First, this collection of the


20 Pucker Safrai, #171 Pucker-Safrai is fond of this Spanish-born artist; he has had 5 shows here over the past


Reproduction, when it comes to art, is somehow considered uncreative by the Western world. If American galleries exhibit that third

Memories of a Senile Elephant

O VER THE WEEKEND the vultures got into the presidential palace... (Stop, what happened over the weekend?) ... and the

Modernity Undanced

S PONTANEOUS GENERATION grows more and more impossible, it seems. Our civilization's relentless progress towards a controlled creation has brought


"Beauty is truth, truth beauty--that is all Ye know on earth, and ye ever need to know". Keats' urn was
