Laurie M. Grossman
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Unlikely Ambassadors
"H ELLO, I'm calling from the Harvard Law School Fund," I start off, anticipating my first donation of the evening
Not Admitted, But Solicited?
T HIS semester Harvard's development office asked students to submit their grandparents' addresses for informational mailings about the University. Information
Moving Beyond Firsts
F OR years women argued for opportunity. Corporate Harvard, like other elite institutions, was run by white men; how could
Going After the News
Fourteen people interviewed by a team of reporters on Ford Parkway called today's weather "great." I T all started on
Lieutenant Second-Class?
E ARLIER this month, a group of Harvard graduates--including parents, lawyers, professors and community activists--gathered in Harvard Hall to share
Unfriendly Advertising
E ASTERN Airlines has made a name for itself for its oppressive management and union-busting. In recent weeks, as the
Babbitt and the Gov Jocks
Y ESTERDAY, Bruce Babbitt showed exactly why few Harvard women chose to concentrate in Government. The former presidential candidate was
Hasty Pudding Theatricals: Puttin' on the Blitz
Whiskey Business Hasty Pudding Theatricals 141 Directed by Donald Brenner Written by Ted Hennessy '88 and Ronald Corcillo '88-'89 At
A Decision Fit for Solomon
I SRAEL cannot forge a peace in the Middle East based on trust. Although Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yassir Arafat
Going All the Way
I F Harvard is truly committed to creating a diverse community, it should assign upperclass students to houses in the
A Silent Minority
L ONG before there was a women's movement, it was assumed that boys would study about politics, wars and leadership,
Youth Is Wasted On The Young
F RESHMAN year you woke up one morning after what you knew had been a particularly exciting, sweaty keg-in-the bathtub
Finish the Job of '63
H ARVARD'S 25th reunion book is usually a handsome hardcover volume, packed with typeset tales of alumni success and glossy
Playing to Lose
N OW that the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers (HUCTW) has won its election, a key question to
Bureaucratic Excessories
S o you think the party scene and student groups at Harvard could do with a little improvement. The Undergraduate