

Rebecca Dezube

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Willis, Farrell: Fighting the Bore War

Bruce Willis’ role in Hart’s War can be gleaned entirely from looking at the film’s promotional poster; his picturesque army


You, Me, & The Bottle Makes 3

In The Business of Strangers, starring Stockard Channing, Julia Stiles and a bottle of scotch, Paula Murphy (Stiles) tells Julie

It's Beginning to Sound a Lot Like Christmas:Dust for Life, Fuel and Collective Soul at the WBCN X-Mas Rave

Amidst the distribution of numerous Santa hats courtesy of WBCN, three bands took the stage for charity at the radio

Shattered: 'Unbreakable' Not Quite Air-Tight

Writer-director M. Night Shyamalan's last film, The Sixth Sense, left viewers discussing and lauding praise long after the film had

Madness Goes for Laughs, Not Depth

According to advertisements, Shear Madness is a whodunit, but the focus of the actors and directors appears to be to
