
Crimson staff writer

Henry P. Moss IV

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Khurana Rallies Crowd

The Next Dean of Harvard College Needs To Be Fun

The repeated failures of attempts to impose on the social lives of students offers a lesson to the next dean of the College that they would be wise to heed: Show us you care but don’t overbear.

Admissions Preview

The Kind of Diversity Harvard Doesn’t Care About

Harvard’s commitment to diversity seems to stop short of ideology.

Harvard Garber alarm clock
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Alan Garber’s Still an Interim President. That’s a Mistake.

I fail to see any reason to paste an expiration date on a Garber presidency just as it begins.

Adams House Renewal
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Randomizing Harvard Housing Was a Huge Mistake

House choice has been made into a bogeyman of self-segregation. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Make Harvard Fun
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We’re College Students. Why Don’t We Have Fun?

If we collectively decide to lessen the pressure that we put on ourselves and act our age, would we not be happier? I know I would.
