
Crimson opinion writer

Isaac R. Mansell

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Wigglesworth and Boylston in Harvard Yard

An Open Letter to the Aspiring Burglars of Wigglesworth

Mr. Garberchev, tear down this hall!

Counterprotester Holds Sign at May 10 Rally

Don’t Be Fooled — Harvard’s Updated Policies Change Nothing

Yet rather than enforcing its existing policies to crack down on this behavior, Harvard has opted for a purely symbolic revision—one that neither strengthens protections nor ensures their fair application.

Harvard International Office

I’m Not an Alien. I’m Just Canadian.

So how can Americans better understand their sparsely-populated northern neighbor? Perhaps Harvard, the People’s University, is the perfect place to start.

Grade inflation feedback graphic

Want To Solve Grade Inflation? Focus On Feedback Instead

Especially if grade inflation is here to stay, a renewed focus on feedback could help revive academic rigor.

HPR at Institute of Politics

The American People Spoke. The IOP Can’t Pretend It Didn’t Hear.

If the IOP is to remain true to its mission, it must champion engagement over exclusion and dialogue over isolation.

University Hall

Institutional Neutrality Has Gone Too Far

Rather than retreating into silence, Harvard should embrace the expertise of its professors, enabling them to engage meaningfully in the world’s most pressing issues.

HUDS Tacos at Dunster Dining Hall

At HUDS, Vegetarians Are Caught Between Guac and a Lard Place

I empathize deeply with my vegan peers because, for the past year, I’ve eaten almost exclusively vegan food — against my will.

Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine March to Garber's House

Dissent: The Editorial Board is Scared to Say The Obvious

As we mourn, we continue to believe that maintaining the sanctity of all life — including all Jews and Palestinians — is not just a possibility but a moral duty. We only wish that our peers would too.

Lowell Gate and Harvard Shield

Dissent: On General Education, the Editorial Board Can’t Have It Both Ways

If GenEds are to end, let them be abolished outright. And if Gen Eds are to remain, let’s at least commit to taking them seriously — starting with a letter grade.

Cold Call Graphic

Hot Take? Cold Call.

A strategically placed cold call could shatter this dreary atmosphere. Singling out the student whose eyes are most glazed over and hurling an unusually tough question their way sends a clear message: Your texting can wait.

Widener Library

Dissent: Intellectual Vitality for Me, but Not for Thee

If Harvard is actually serious about intellectual vitality, it must solve the root of the problem first: the school’s political makeup.

Admissions Preview

Harvard Is Not Home to America’s Best and Brightest

The myth that Harvard has a monopoly on genius is rooted in two core beliefs: that Harvard College admits the best applicants and that its world-class academics then produce world-class graduates. Neither are true.

Truck In Harvard Square
Op Eds

A Letter to the Outside World

Since Oct. 7, another story has developed in parallel to the antisemitism on Harvard’s campus — the story of the public’s reaction to it. This piece is about that story.

Hillel Vigil Attendees Shine Phone Lights
Op Eds

The Disturbing Denial of Jewish Grief

It has been truly disheartening to see that amidst the heightened tensions on our own campus, some of our peers have neglected to extend to Jewish and Israeli students the compassion, understanding, and humanity that we all deserve.
