
Crimson opinion writer

Allison P. Farrell

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Commencement Protest Cap

Protest Is Intellectually Vital

What are Harvard’s “normal operations,” and when does protest become an unwarranted disruption of these operations?

CAMHS Office
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Harvard’s Mental Health System Is Dehumanizing

When Harvard treats students as liabilities, it sends a clear signal to those who need care: There may not be a place for you here.

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Interpreting the Harvard Faculty’s Lack of Ideological Diversity

It is an odd feature of our current time that we allude to an ideal of weighing “all viewpoints” against one another. Indeed, we must ask whether the proposition to include “all viewpoints” is reasonable or even possible.

Sever Hall 2
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Breadth Over Depth: In Favor of Exploration

While Harvard offers a plethora of introductory courses, there are very few that provide a broad overview of the fields studied across Harvard’s many departments. This can and should change if Harvard wants to foster intellectual growth and exploration

Protesters Across the Street from CCC Party
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Can Protest Be Undemocratic?

Protest, when conducted in the spirit of illuminating marginalized voices, is not undemocratic. It is a symptom that calls us to listen to the silenced voices that cry out.
