
Crimson opinion writer

Mac M. Mertens

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Harvard Square sucks now graphic

I’ll Say It: Harvard Square Doesn’t Suck

We can’t stop change. Thankfully, in this case, it is serving us well. So the next time you criticize Harvard Square’s commercialization, think: When was the last time you had a Jefe’s bowl?

Harvard Stadium

Harvard’s School Spirit Is Pathetic. Tailgate Restrictions Only Make it Worse.

I always assumed that pride in college football teams was a given. But then I came to Harvard.

Mather House

It’s Time To Make Doubles a Thing of the Past

Harvard's House renovations overlook what could be the most significant improvement to students’ quality of life: increasing the number of single rooms available.

Canaday E

Housing a Happier Harvard

Harvard freshmen should be happy to call their dorms home. That happiness is worth the investment.

Kirkland Student Jumps for Joy
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A Safer River Run is a Better River Run

The University is best served by opening the gates, dropping the guards, and otherwise staying out of student affairs.

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Life, Laundry, and the Pursuit of Cleanliness

When students are discouraged from doing their laundry by unnecessary financial barriers, washing machines wear out faster, students get sicker, and campus becomes less pleasant overall. As it showed the week after spring break, Harvard has the ability to make our laundry free. So why doesn’t it?

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Learning to Lose, Love, and Leave My Accent Behind

Whenever I talk about my sometimes-beloved sometimes-hated home, it's always with an accent. But the Southern accent I use here in Cambridge isn’t “the accent.” I use my painstakingly-researched “neutral” accent. That isn’t “my accent.”
