
Crimson opinion writer

Charlotte A. Nickerson

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Charlotte A. Nickerson Columnist Portrait

SECs in the City

The layout of schools can affect childrens’ rate of learning by 25 percent — either positively or negatively — each year. This makes it even more important that Harvard, first and foremost an educational institution, keeps design elements central in mind when renovating and building spaces for students to learn and live in.

SECs in the City Graphic
Op Art

SECs in the City Graphic

Charlotte A. Nickerson Columnist Portrait

First Come Coffee Shops — Then, Gentrification

For digital nomads, four-dollar espresso shots become the cost of rent for a modular office space that can move anywhere a laptop fits. As digital nomadism attracts more and more converts, who proliferate through cities and raise their real estate prices, the unified design elements of the modern coffee shops they haunt serve as a strong bidirectional symbol of worldwide gentrification.



Charlotte A. Nickerson Columnist Portrait

Dig Deeper into Design — Starting with Yogurt

New looks can hide old truths. Hand-lettering and specific color palettes can disarm viewers with the appearance of familiarity. Chobani itself is pretty much a straight-and-narrow wellness company — but similar design elements can be used to mislead.
