

Ashal Malik

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Flyby Blog


Our author's own personal plant collection (place your bets on if it's real or fake).

ashal room decor
Flyby Blog

ashal room decor

Some of our author's own room decor, carefully curated and placed.

ashal photo collage
Flyby Blog

ashal photo collage

A snazzy photo college from our author's own expertly decorated room.

Flyby Blog


Our author's own personal plant collection.

hgtv hittin stuff
Flyby Blog

How to: Decorate Your Room (Even If You’re Still Traumatized from Apocalypse Week)

I am personally insisting upon decorating my room as much as possible so it manifests a full semester on campus... but if you're feeling a bit more nervous, here's some ideas to get your room feeling nice and comfortable (even if you are still traumatized).

big ol flames
On Campus

What I Wish I Knew Before Living on Campus During a Pandemic

It’s undeniable that last semester was a roller coaster ride for most of us, but what semester of college isn’t? Except this time, we’re all wearing masks, sitting a few seats away from each other, and generally having the weirdest year possible. Check out our reflections on the ~unprecedented~ college experience!
