
Contributing opinion writer

Matthew B. Gilbert

Latest Content

A Time for New Ideas

Breaking Down the Scarcity Mindset

We must understand that investing in people is never a waste — not only do we have the resources to provide for everyone, but also we will get far more out of it than we put in.

A Time for New Ideas

Making Basic Income a Reality

We have plenty of resources; we’re just missing the money that can get them from producers to the American people. Universal basic income is the final piece to the puzzle that makes the economy work — and work for everyone.

A Time for New Ideas

Basic Income: Security in a Crisis

We already needed UBI before COVID-19; the pandemic just exposed that need. This outbreak has been an indisputable disaster on a massive scale, but we mustn’t forget the many individual disasters that occur every day.


The Myth of Taxpayer Money

If we are serious about getting things done — universal healthcare, basic income, solving climate change — we need to reject the taxpayer money myth in its entirety.

A Time for New Ideas

Life, Liberty, and Basic Income

A universal basic income can eliminate poverty entirely by giving people the ability to acquire their basic necessities and ensure the right to life for all Americans.


The New Old Solution to Poverty

The movement behind basic income is bigger than any one person, and after all these years, decades, and even centuries, this movement may finally be nearing the mountaintop. I invite you to join us.
