
Contributing writer

Nicole B. Farina

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On Display

By letting someone into my space, albeit virtually, I can share with them how I see the world.

Food delivery app
The Scoop

Food delivery app

A food delivery app.

Free tuition Competition Graphic

Free tuition Competition Graphic

Baylor University Trick Shot competition

OHCDB Me Too Graphic

OHCDB Me Too Graphic

Our Harvard Can Do Better METOO graphic

Federalist Society Scrutiny Graphic

Federalist Society Scrutiny Graphic

One example of the powerful network Harvard Federalist Society members have access to.

Can Psychedelics Save America?
The Scoop

Can Psychedelics Actually Save America?

As the United States approaches the fiftieth anniversary of President Richard Nixon’s declaration of a “war on drugs,” the country faces a reckoning over its long history of racism and institutional violence. That reckoning has manifested most publicly in protests this summer. But a crucial, if less visible, part of the fight for racial justice are efforts to decriminalize controlled substances — including psychedelics — that have played a large part in enabling the mass incarceration of Black, Latinx, and Indigenous Americans. In a panel on Oct. 28, Harvard Law School’s Petrie-Flom Center sought to interrogate this very question.

Can Psychedelics Save America?
The Scoop

Can Psychedelics Save America?

Check out campus
Flyby Blog

Check out campus

Check out campus

Greenpoint 1
Around Town

Greenpoint 1

Solis collaborates with indigenous women in Mexico and Guatemala to create one-of-a-kind cowhide leather bags.

Greenpoint 1
Around Town

Survival of the Small Business

Every weekend since Aug. 9 of this year, local vendors have flocked to Greenpoint, Brooklyn to set up shop under canvas tents (all stationed six feet apart from each other, of course). The Greenpoint Terminal Market is organized by Lauren Nishi, who wanted to facilitate local commerce on summer weekends in hopes of easing the financial hardships that small businesses continue to face amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Greenpoint 2
Around Town

Greenpoint 2

Every weekend since Aug. 9 of this year, local vendors have flocked to Greenpoint, Brooklyn to set up shop under canvas tents (all stationed six feet apart from each other, of course).

Harvard Yard
The Scoop

A First for First-Years

Harvard freshmen — the only full cohort living on campus — have no choice but to try and get close to each other from six feet away.

Mass Hall, Fall 2017

Advice to Josh: Quarantine

With a limited amount of things to do in quarantine, FM is coming back from its six-year hiatus to provide advice to our eternal and anonymous freshman, Josh. We’ve asked FM writers to help Josh come up with some new ideas to help pass his time in quarantine. Josh didn’t even ask for FM’s advice — so you can be the judge of who’s really crying for help here. Anyway, here are their expert answers.

Painting's Doubt student
The Scoop

72 Students in the Studio

“Painting’s Doubt” is unlike any other introductory painting course taught at Harvard. While most studio classes are capped at anywhere from 12 to 20 students, Painting’s Doubt has room for 72.


Remember Elementary School V-Day Grams? Wait ’Til You See Her Now

FM falls in love!
