
Crimson opinion writer

Orlee G.S. Marini-Rapoport

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If Double Concentrations Had Existed My Freshman Year

Very infrequently does such a simple policy change have the potential for such a significant positive impact on students. Vote in favor of the proposal for double concentrations. Give students another path forward and 50 years from now, your decision will still be having an impact.

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The Year Without Veritaffles

This is the reality we have to grapple with — forever-changed relationships to Harvard and to each other. More bad memories than good ones. Flashbacks to March 10, 2020. Would haves and could haves and should haves. Lost opportunities.

OGSMR Provincetown, Mass.
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What’s It Like To Have Two Moms?

I am the oldest child of two moms in a progressive town once dubbed “Lesbianville, USA,” which boasts a women’s college, a 35,000-participant annual gay pride parade, and a population of two-mom families over five times the national average. My moms, my younger twin sisters, and I are blissfully normal here. But when I tell people outside of my hometown — at Harvard, at my summer internships, near my grandparents’ house, when I travel — that I have two moms, they have a lot of questions.

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All The President’s Henchmen

Exactly zero former Trump administration political appointees should end up at the institution whose motto is the Latin word for “truth.”

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Harvard Students Are Failing Their Practice Run

Harvard students can’t have it both ways. This is our first test, our first practice run. If we want to be leaders in the future, we can't check out and ask for special treatment now.

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Harvard Needs a Class Studies Secondary

Understanding socioeconomic status, economic inequality, and capitalism are integral to understanding the very fabric of our society.

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Protecting the Best 3.75 Years of Our Lives

We have worked so hard and sacrificed so much for this opportunity. We can’t lose any more time on campus than we have already lost, for every moment is precious.

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Why We Can’t Look Back and Laugh

When we go back, I hope we live every day at Harvard like we’re about to wake up to an email asking us to leave campus.

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Universal Grading Systems Dilute Education and Exacerbate the Problems They Claim To Fix

Universal grading systems undermine what matters most — our continued commitment to our academics and to our classmates — at a time where intellectual engagement has never been more important.

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Appreciating an Allergy-Friendly HUDS

As students with allergies speak up about their dining needs, let’s not forget that these are real people working to keep us safe.

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Stop Criticizing My Concentration Choice

The assumption that humanities or social sciences concentrations are “easy” is just plain wrong.

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Reading My Admissions File, Writing My Harvard Story

But reading my admissions file offered proof that there’s so much more that matters, that leaning into the complexities of our experience as students has importance that transcends numbers and statistics.

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Limiting PAFs Is Limiting

Hence, I was surprised to discover that Harvard’s new policy states that Peer Advising Fellows should limit or eliminate discussions about course selection with their freshmen advisees
