Contributing writer
Trula J. Rael
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25 Questions with Datamatch’s Supreme Cupids
While Valentine’s Day may not be for everyone, there’s one Harvard tradition that just about everyone can get behind: Datamatch. This year marks the 25th anniversary of everyone’s favorite matchmaking survey, so we came up with 25 questions for Datamatch co-presidents Teddy T. Liu ’20 (a former Crimson technology chair) and Ryan Y. Lee ’20.
The Ultimate Commencement-Time Bucket List
Grab your friends and complete the ultimate commencement-time bucket list!
Reading Period Roundup
Need a few breaks during reading period? Here are some of the on-campus highlights.
Freshman Summer: It’s Not That Deep
Harvard's summer internship culture is high-pressure. We're here to tell you: Freshman summer is not that deep.
Burst the Bubble: Nov. 9 - Nov. 11
Spice up your weekend with a cooking class, a dance class, a scary movie.
Burst the Bubble: Nov. 2 - Nov. 4
Light festivals! "Christopher Robin" at the MFA! Boston has lots to offer this weekend.
Burst the Bubble: Oct. 12 - Oct. 14
Light-up sound sculptures, book festivals, and food. It's a good weekend to live by Boston, so why not enjoy it?
Burst the Bubble: Oct. 5 - Oct. 8
We've got events for chocolate lovers, art lovers, and long weekend lovers.
Burst the Bubble: Sept. 28 - Sept. 30
Between an oyster festival, fall cruise, and womxn's market, there's an event for everyone this weekend!
Burst the Bubble: Sept. 21 - Sept. 23
We hate to burst your bubble, but the Harvard Bubble is not the entire world.
PSA: Late Night at the Harvard Art Museums
Never been to the art museums here? Now is your chance—free food, a live DJ, and culture await.
First Year Guide to Laundry
Whether you're a helpless first year or lazy senior, you might have never done your own laundry before.