

Declan P. Garvey

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She Doesn't Go Here

Perhaps that is the greatest strength of a long distance relationship: We have to be intentional with our time.

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It's Wrong to be Right

Liberals who dismissively reject conservatism at first glance are themselves embracing the very dogma of close-mindedness they tend to associate with the GOP.

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Trouble Concentrating?

What if I don’t know what my true passion is? Or I do, but Harvard doesn’t offer a degree in eating Nutella out of a jar while watching “Parks and Rec.”


Twitter As Enforcer

What may seem like minute technological advancements have actually contributed to a major shift in the dissemination of news.


Virtual Reality But Real Consequences

More than usual, these past few weeks in the United States have been a time of sheer idiocy.

Vacation Instagram
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Vacation Instagram

Declan Garvey's vacation Instagram

11th Twitter User

The 10 People You Meet On Twitter

I’ve noticed that most users can be sorted into just a few select categories.

Twitter Bird

A Matter of Opinion

According Trendsmap, a site that aggregates the most popular topics online, the Twittersphere has been fixated on relatively inconsequential themes.


Throwing Back to Kony

In this country, the social media age has given rise to a generation of complacency, where taking a link from one website and putting it on another is a sufficient social contribution.


When A Game Is Not Just A Game

The real matter at play here is the mob mentality that Twitter can encourage. When managed properly, a Twitter account is an incredible resource. Several times a day, I find myself scrolling through the endless stream of content at my fingertips. But a low barrier to entry has its drawbacks.

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They’ve Got It All Wrong

To combat the number of deaths at the hands of armed students, the media should stop focusing their efforts on picking apart the suspects and begin concentrating instead on what led to their actions.
